Majority of people often google how to maintain healthier and stronger hair. Fuller-looking hair transforms ones look; hence everybody wants to take care of it effectively. Several factors impact hair quality like diet, weather, pollution, products that you apply, and much more.
Are you experiencing hair damage, breakage, or excessive hair fall? Here are some outstanding hacks to address these hair issues. We have some amazing tips that encourage healthy hair growth and care.
- Consumption Of Protein Rich Diet
To stimulate strong and healthy hair growth, incorporating a considerable amount of protein is quite essential in the diet. If one is not consuming enough protein, it may significantly affect their hair quality. This can be managed by eating more daals or lentils, seeds and beans.
- Routinely Trimming Hair Length
Due to excessive hair damage and breakage, one needs to have regular haircuts or trim to avoid split ends that cause hair to get entangled easily. This way, you can prevent your hair from breaking away.
- Avoid Chemical Free Hair Products
Most of us are unaware of the harmful chemicals in Hair Products that we use. It is advised to use pure and natural ayurvedic hair care products that contain amla and bringraj and altogether avoid chemically processed hair dyes. Additionally, people have a misconception that repetitive shampoos are suitable for hair health. But it may damage your hair and make it thin and weak.
- Keep Blow Dryers On The Low
Don’t we all love a good hair blowdry? Unfortunately, the high heat of blow dryers makes your hair more susceptible to breakage. Regular blow dryer on wet hair eventually leading to brittle hair. Moreover, make sure that you do not rub wet hair vigorously with your towel as it causes hair fall and thinning.
- Use Medicated Hairoil Based On Hair Issue
Ayurveda offers various Panchakarma treatments for hairfall, dandruff or baldness eg Virechan, Shirodhara or Nasya based on line of treatment advised by expert doctors. We recommend you book an online consult with our doctors at Ojas Ayurveda, on the best line of treatment for you.
Hairojas: The Best Ayurvedic Solution To Stimulate The Beauty Of Your Hair
According to Ayurveda, Kesh or Hair is made up of Prithvi and Aakash mahabhuta. Charak acharya, considered the father of Ayurveda medicine, has mentioned about keshya drugs which purely help in growth of hair and nourish hair follicles. Hair loss, according to ayurveda is defined as khalitya, which comes under shiraroga. Hair loss is the Pitta dominant vyadhi which also attributes together with vata kappa and rakta dosa. Usually occurs between the age group of 18 yrs to 40 yrs. To maintain hair health in today’s stressful life, Ojas Ayurveda has introduced Hairojas, a pure blend of the ayurvedic keshya drugs and its extracts.
Hairojas is a unique combination of several natural herbs for hair care. It is a unique formulation of bhringraj, brahmi, triphala and sariva extracts. Bhringraj helps to tackle problems of hair loss and prevents greying of hair. Effective in treating dandruff, Bringraj makes the hair look lustrous. Brahmi is a nervine herb that helps to revitalize brain cells. Triphala acts as a metabolic regulator and improves digestive fire. Sariva assists in blood purifying and helps maintain appropriate levels of testosterone and progesterone, which promote hair growth. Apart from hair treatments, we also have other solutions. You can visit our website for more information.
Here Are The Benefits Of The Herbs Included In Our Hairojas Product:
Benefits Of Bhringraj/Triphala/ Sariva
- It helps remove the toxins from the body and is suitable for the liver.
- Promotes hair growth from roots.
- It boosts the immune system.
- It improves digestive fire.
- It is nutritive for deeper tissues of bones, nerves, hair.
- It acts as a metabolic regulator.
- It aids in weight management.
- It is suitable for the skin in detoxifying and purifying the blood.
- It oversees the level of testosterone and progesterone, which is responsible for hair growth.
- It prevents premature greying of hair
- Helps in reducing spilt ends.
- It decreases dry and frizzy hair.
- Helps in increasing shine. thickness and volume of hair.
- It nourishes scalp and promotes hair growth from root also by strengthening of hair.
To conclude this blog, we can say that having a rich protein diet, avoiding repetitive shampoos, blow dryers, and the tips mentioned above automatically result in healthier hair growth. Along with the above suggestions, you can also use HairOjas to prevent hair loss and greying hair, giving you lustrous shiny hair.