The science of Ayurveda has helped in combating many diseases and proved to be effective as it provides a healing system that promotes health using natural and non-toxic substances. It also recognizes the importance of mind and emotions, Ayurveda assists in balancing the Vata, Pitta, and Kaphadoshas in the human body.
In this write-up, we will learn more about the qualities of KaphaPrakriti and how the imbalance of Kapha can be managed for a healthy life.
According to the Ayurveda, Kaphais the combination of water and earth elements, which essentially imbibe the qualities of these two elements in the body, making one grounded. This, in turn, helps in maintaining the body structure, stability, hydration, and lubrication for effective functioning. Therefore, balancing Kapha can be achieved by incorporating Kapha pacifying foods in the diet followed by a few major lifestyle changes as mentioned here.
Let’s check out Kapha pacifying diet to bounce back into the balance state
The food is recommended to be warm, light, and dry, prepared with hot spices. Try shifting to abalanced diet that emphasizes pungent, bitter, and astringent flavours. Moreover, skipping meals and occasional fasting is considered good for the digestive system. Eating untimely meals (early and late in the mornings and nights respectively) should be avoided. Intake of cold and ice water should be replaced by warm water or at room temperature. Sipping herbal and regular teas are also effective in pacifying Kapha, as individuals with this Dosha are prone to congestion.
According to the existing literature about Ayurveda, there are a few fruits considered good for balancing Kapha in our body. You should favour fruits that are warm, dry, and light to combat congestion and food retention issues. Try to maintain distance from sweet fruits, asthey suppress the digestive fire.
- Apples
- Apple Sauce
- Apricot
- Berries
- Bananas (ripe, but not fully ripe in small quantities, 1/2 banana)
- Cherries
- Cranberries
- Kiwi
- Lemons
- Pomegranate
- Strawberries (small quantities)
- Pear
- Avocado
- Bananas (well ripe and sweet)
- Coconut
- Dates
- Melons
- Honeydew Melon
We would like to recommend you incorporateTulsi& Turmeric into your diet. It’ll help in overcoming the related Kapha issues in the body. You can alternatively also Buy Ojas Tulsi & Turmeric Supplement.
A Kapha Doshas people should incorporate vegetables in their diet as they tend to be dry and light. The vegetables should ideally be cooked (warm) with spices, to aid digestion. Try to add on pungent and bitter vegetables including dandelion greens, beet, mushrooms, anise fennel and radish to name a few.
- Leafy Greens
- Artichoke
- Leeks
- Bitter Melon or Gourd (Indian Vegetable)
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Bamboo Shoots
- Bean Sprouts
- Brussels Sprouts
- Burdock Root
- Carrots (in small quantities)
- Cauliflower
- Daikon Radish
- Dandelion Greens
- Fennel
- Green Beans
- Cauliflower
- Green Peas
- Spinach
- Wheat Grass
- Mushrooms
- Parsnips
- Corn
- Cucumber
- Pickles
- Summer Squash
- Potatoes (Sweet and White)
- Tomatoes (raw)
- Yams
- Zucchini
Grains & Beans
Grains that can be heavy and aggravate Kapha dosha hence should be consumed with discretion. Kapha types are recommended to take a diet of whole grain and steamed vegetables. Breads can be heavy for them and should be avoided.
- Barley
- Buckwheat
- Couscous
- Granola
- Millet
- Muesli
- Oat Bran
- Oats (dry)
- Quinoa
- Sprouted Wheat Bread
- Cereal (dry or puffed)
- Arrowroot
- Seitan
- Rice Cakes
- Durham Flour (Indian Wheat Flour, used in small quantities- 1/2 cup)
- Pasta (very small quantities-1/3 cup)
- Sorghum
- Tapioca
- Semolina
- Bread with Yeast
- Oats (cooked)
- Pancakes
- Rice (White)
- Wheat
- Corn (in small quantities, 1/3 cup)
- Polenta
Kapha pacifying Herbs
For the process of digestion, spices such as cayenne, black pepper, dry ginger, mustard, cloves, garlicplay a role in improving the metabolism. A combination of bitter laxatives, such as aloe and cascara sagradaalong with spices like ginger, basil, or cayenne help in the process of elimination. The pungent or bitter tonics: garlic, cinnamon, saffron, shilajit, guggul, and aloe gel are used for imparting energy. Calamus, Gotu kola, basil, and myrrh are used as mind stimulants and mind-clearing herbs.
You can also take the OjasTulsi & Turmeric Supplement recommended by our dietician because Tulsi& turmeric are best for relieving cough and cold. These products are committed to purity and quality. Additionally, turmeric promotes metabolism in the body and aids in proper digestion.
Oils and massage
Light oils like mustard or flaxseed, along with herbal oils prepared in alcohol such as wintergreen, camphor, eucalyptus, cinnamon is recommended for a massage. In addition to this, it is recommended that individuals undertake outdoor activities such as running, jogging, aerobic exercises and sun exposure as these help in dealing with Kapha imbalance. These measures would also limit your exposure to a cold and damp environment.
Kapha Pacifying Food & Lifestyle
Dieticians also suggest that following a meaningful daily routine would help in shaping a disciplined life, improving sleeping patterns and practicing mindful meditations. Adding yoga to the routine, also helps in the process of dealing with Kapha imbalance. Intense workout sessions, deep breathing exercises with more active asanas are beneficial.
One canefficiently balance Kapha and the related problems by introducing our supplements in the daily routine. Try Ojas Turmeric & Tulsi supplements that aid you in combating the Kapha issues in the body. The products created at Ojas are quality assured, meeting all the required Indian and global standards. Do not think twice, let’s find an herbal solution to all your problems.