Ayurveda precisely means the art of healthy living and promotes a healing system using natural, non-toxic substances. It encourages some predefined lifestyles and natural therapies to retrieve balance between mind, body, spirit, and environment. An Ayurvedic treatment commences with an internal body purification process, followed by herbal remedies, massage therapies, yoga, a specific diet, and meditation. With the help of these Ayurveda remedies and exclusively formulated products, it is quite useful in balancing the Pitta, Vata, and Kaphadoshas in the human body.
In this write-up, we shall dive into the knowledge of Pitta’s pacifying foods & lifestyle.
According to Ayurveda, Pitta is the combination of water & fire elements and it has characteristics of being oily, light & hot. There are the following symptoms that you may experience on the excess accumulation of Pitta in the body:
- Excess generation of heat in the body
- Anger & irritability
- Bad breath
- Body odour
- Acid reflux, gas, indigestion
- Inflammation of the joints
- Nausea, diarrhoea, or constipation
- Excessive sweating
Let’s Check Out Pitta Pacifying Diet that is Recommended by Dietician
Switching to a balanced strengthening and reducing diet that emphasizes mainly bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes can give immediate relief. Along with this, you can try taking fruit juices in the middle of the day. The food should be heavy, cool, and a little dry and must not have excessive spices. Make a routine to avoid untimely meals (early or late in the mornings as well as nights respectively) or else you would end up disturbing the Pitta dosha in your body.
Incorporating the Pitta pacifying fruits in your regular diet can balance Pitta Doshas in the body. You can add on sweet fruits including Peaches, Bananas, Dates but avoid the dry ones. More detailed fruits are mentioned below-
Favour |
Avoid |
● Apples (Sweet) ● Apple Sauce (Unsweetened) ● Avocado ● Cherries (Sweet) ● Mangoes (Ripe and Sweet) ● Oranges (Sweet) ● Pineapple (Sweet) ● Pomegranates ● Plums (Sweet) ● Prunes ● Watermelon ● Raisins
● Grapefruit ● Kiwi ● Apricots (Sour) ● Plum (Sour) ● Strawberries (Sour) ● Oranges (Sour) ● Cranberries ● Tamarind
Vegetables are an enriched source when it comes to balancing the Pitta Doshas in the human body. You have to avoid those veggies that are spicy, overcooked, and sour to combat Pitta.
Vegetable for Pitta Balance |
Vegetable for Pitta Imbalance |
● Asparagus ● Squash ● Tender & Bitter Greens (Collards & Dandelion) ● Artichoke ● Broccoli ● Cabbage ● Cauliflower ● Fresh Corn ● Cucumber ● Celery ● Radish ● Okra ● Green Beans ● Parsley ● Parsnip ● Peas ● Potatoes (Sweet) ● Pumpkin ● Mushrooms ● Kale |
● Beet Greens ● Fenugreek Greens (Methi) ● Horseradish ● Garlic ● Tomatoes ● Turnip Greens ● Radishes ● Onions (Raw) ● Mustard Greens |
Grains, Beans & Others
Make sure that Grains are easy to digest and are well-cooked. Here is the list of Grains, Beans, and other foods that support Pitta. Start taking the below-mentioned things if you are advised to have a balanced Pitta as soon as possible.
Favour |
Avoid |
● Rice (Basmati, white or wild) ● Barley ● KhusKhus ● Millet ● Wheat Bran ● Oat Bran (Cooked) ● Rice Cake ● Sprouted Wheat ● Durham (Wheat) Flour ● Aduki Beans ● Chick peas ● Kidney beans |
● Buckwheat ● Brown Rice (short grain) ● Corn ● Rye ● Lentils ● Peanuts
Pitta Pacifying Herbs
For appropriate functioning of the digestive system, certain digestive bitters encompassing aloe, gentian, and barberry play a significant role in enhancing metabolism. The mild & cooling spices such as fennel, coriander, cumin, mint, and turmeric can also share a space in your diet and are best for flavouring purposes.
For fast and better results, you can also intake our Ojas Turmeric Curcumin with Black Pepper Extract capsules, which are especially for balancing Pitta doshas. It is recommended by our dietician because it strengthens the digestive system as well as promotes metabolism in the body. In addition to this, it is also recommended if one is going through a cold and cough. Our product is committed to the highest level of purity and quality.
Oil & Massage
The person going through unbalanced Pitta can use oils with impressive cooling properties, such as coconut, sunflower, or ghee for massage. In addition to this, you can reach out to medicated oils comprising Brahmi (Gotu kola) or bhringaraj (eclipta). These can be applied to the top of the head, heart, and forehead. Additionally, one must be more involved in yoga, meditation, and outdoor activities. Try to give up on anger, hostility, arguments, and overall critical nature.
Pitta Pacifying Food & Lifestyle
When you are on a Pitta pacifying diet, don’t put yourself in too much sunlight or heat. One should practice meditation to stimulate the mind with positive thoughts. In addition to this, you must incorporate 7 to 8 hours of sleep into your daily routine.
By following our pre-planned diet and lifestyle mentioned above, one can calm Pitta doshas and enhance various processes in the human body. Just by introducing Ojas supplements in your lifestyle, you can easily combat Pitta imbalance issues in no time. So without any further ado, buy our Ojas Turmeric & Amla supplements today!!